The word ‘Syphilis’ is derived from the Latin word “Syphilus”- a character in aLatin poem (1530) , supposed first the sufferer from the disease.
Infectious disease of great chronicity, systemic from onset , capable of involving any structure of the body
àstimulates every other disease
v Causative agent : Treponema pallidum(Spirochete – Cork screw like organism)
Incubation period : 9 to 90 days ( Ave. 21 days)
Mode of Transmission :
Inoculation – sexual exposure (STD)
I/V Blood Transfusion
Transplacental ( From 4th month of gestation)
Contact exposure (1/3rd become infected)
Incubation period Ò湯 average 3 weeks
Primary Chancre
Ò† 3 to 12 weeks
Secondary (mucocutaneous, organ involvement)
Ò† 4 to 12 weeks
Early latent à Relapsing (25%)
Late latent (more than 1 year)
Remission Tertiary stage
(2/3 cases ) (1/3 cases)
Congenital syphilis
Acquired syphilis
Primary Chancre:
Usually single (but may be multiple)
Rounded or oval with well defined border
Singly elevated
Exudes a serous fluid (nonsuppurative)
Usually painless (nontender); may be painful if secondary infected
Does not bleed on touch
Cartilage like firm feeling on palpation
Usually heals with or without treatment and leaves no scars (3 weeks to 3 months)
Usually bilateral lymphadenopathy
Sites :
Male – Glans penis, under surface of prepuce, frenulum, coronal sulcus, shaft of penis, scrotum, Intra-urethral
Female : Labia, Fourchette
Extragenital : Lips, tongue, tonsil, female breast, index finger, anus, etc
r Cutaneous manifestations of secondary syphilis
Average 8 weeks after infecting exposure
Patient with secondary syphilis may be ill with the flu like symptoms that includes malaise, appetite loss, fever, headache, stiff neck, nasal discharge, myalgia, arthralgia, etc.,
However the majority of the patients present with only skin eruptions.
The skin manifestations of secondary syphilis are called – SYPHILIDS
Occurs in 80% of cases
Rashes in secondary syphilis have 3 common features
1. They do not itch usually
2. Coppery red in color
3. The lesions are symmetrically distributed
¢ Common sites
Face, shoulder, flanks, palm, soles , anal and genital organs
þMacular Eruption (earliest form) → Roseola syphilitica 1st appears on the sides of the flanks about the navel and inner surface of the extremities.
þMaculo-papular Eruption: Genitalia, face, palm & sole mostly
þPapular Eruptions: Papule is tender to touch with a blunt probeà Ollendorf sign (+)
Papulo squamous à palm, solesàmimic tinea pedis
Follicular à Lichen syphiliticus (extremities)
Lenticular àPinhead to lentil size
Corymbose z Leucoderma syphiliticus
Nodular (Necklace of Venus)
Annular type
(Written) Investigations
Direct (Collection of specimen→ from the lesion serous exudate
1. Direct Microscopic Examination (DG I) (Dark ground illumination) à Cork screw like organism found (Confirmatory)
2. Direct Fluorescent Antibody Test (TP)
B. Indirect (Serological Test)- Specimen à Serum
Non specific test Specific test
Venereal Disease Research
Laboratory test
(For Screening & FTA-ABS (Fluorescent Treponemal Prognostic value) Antibody Absorption Test
RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin) MHA-TP Micro Haem Agglutination Assay for Treponama pallidum
PaGIA (Particle Gel ImmunAssay}
General Measures
F Reassurance
F Isolation of Patient or avoidance of close contact with non-infected person – since it is highly infectious
Specific treatment
S Parental Penicillin is the treatment of choice for all stages of syphilis
SInj. Benzathin Penicillin (2.4 million) I/ M Stat (after skin sensitivity test)
In primary syphilis à Single dose
In secondary syphilis à 2 doses (one week later)
In Tertiary syphilis à 3 doses ( 1 week interval )
If the patient is allergic to penicillin – Cap Tetracycline (500 mg) 6 hourly for 2 weeks or
Cap Doxycycline (100 mg) 12 hourly for 2 weeks
Incubating Syphilis —- Tab. Azithromycin 1 gm as a single dose.
1.Primary syphilis (Chancre)
2. Chancroid
3. LGV (Lympho-granuloma Venereum)
4. GI (Granuloma Inguinale)/ Donovanosis
5. Genital scabies
6. Herpes progeritalis
7. Candidal balanitis (male) / Candidal vulvovaginitis (female)
8. Trauma 9. FDE (fixed drug eruption) 10.Tubercular ulcer.
11. Bechet’s syndrome (Oculo-oral-genital syndrome)
12. Erythroplasia of Queyrat (Premalignant condition)
13. Malignant ulcer ( SCC à Squamous cell carcinoma)
Common STD in Bangladesh
Gonorrhoea ( Neisseria gonorrhoeae)
Syphilis ( Treponema pallidum )
Chlamydial urethritis
Chancroid ( Haemophilus ducreyi )
LGV (Lymphogranuloma venereum)
GI ( Granuloma inguinale )
7. Genital Herpes / Herpes progenitalis ( Herpes simplex virus type 2 & 1 )
8. HPV infection ( Human Papilloma Virus )
9. HBV , HCV infection
10. AIDS ( HIV infection )
11.Genital scabies ( Sarcoptes scabiei)
12.Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas vaginalis)
13. Candidal vulvovaginitis (Candida albicans)
Common causes of urethral discharges :
Physiological : Sexual stimulation ( spermatorrhoea / prostatorrhoea )
Pathological : Specific causes – Urethritis (75%)
Gonococcal : Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Non-gonococcal : Chlamydia trachomatis
Mycoplasma hominis
Ureaplasma urealyticum
Trichomonas vaginalis
Candida albicans
Herpes simplex (Herpes progenitalis)
Treponema pallidum (Intra-urethral chancre)
Non-specific cause:
Trauma , foreign bodies , Chemicals(Bladder wash) etc.
Physiological : v Premenstrual (á vascularity and pelvic congestion)
vPregnancy (á Vascularity ) v Sexual arousal /stimulation
Pathological :
Physiological : v Premenstrual (á vascularity and pelvic congestion)
vPregnancy (á Vascularity ) v Sexual arousal /stimulation
Pathological :
Infective causes | |
Neisseria gonorrhea Chlamydia sp. Candida albicans Trichomonas vaginalis Gardnerella vaginalis Anaerobic streptococci Bacteroides E. coli, Proteus sp. Cytomegalo virus infection | |
Non-infective causes Foreign bodies Powder, antiseptics, deodorant, irritants Very hot bath Tight nylon panty, jeans Psychological |